Fact Fluency Games

Is it just me, or are your students getting a bit tired of the multiplication table fact practice? Whew, if me or my students have to see another one, we might just scream! And not the ice cream kind of scream! My students were looking for another alternative to practicing their math facts, and the fact fluency online games were not cutting it at this point in the year. So, I waved my magic wand, and got this math fact fluency game! Wouldn't that be awesome!??!

Similar to the popular game, Spot it!

I have noticed my students either really love or really struggle with math; therefore, I am always trying to find ways to make practicing their facts more fun. I heard some of my students talking about playing a game called Spot It! and that is where this fact fluency game came from. There are different ways to play the game, but regardless of how they play, they are practicing their math facts. You can have them practice addition, subtraction, division or multiplication.

My students actually helped me decide on the names for the different math games, and that is where we got Ninja, Savage and Speedy from. Kids have the most creative mind! If you have little Kindergarten students, you can have them practice identifying numbers. You can have them practice addition. If you have second grade students, they can practice addition and subtraction! I think the best thing with this game is that it is easy to differentiate without having to change the product at all in any grade level.

You get a black and white version which you can print out on colored papers. Or you can use the two colored versions I included. I always tend to print my products in colored paper rather than use color ink. I also included labels if you plan to store this game in plastic containers. I use plastic containers now, but I also have some extra sets in plastic baggies - and those work just as well!

Your students will have hours of fun playing this math game! If you heard of the popular game Spot it! then you already know how big of a hit this game will be. And the fact that they get to practice their math facts is great. I added some different variations to play the game, but I am sure your students could come up with even more math game ideas! I know this fact fluency game sure beats any worksheet in my students' eyes! Grab it in my TPT store or click on any picture!

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